How to Prepare Your Landscape for Winter
Harsh winter conditions are right around the corner, and now is the time to make sure your landscape is ready. Here are our favorite winterization tips for your landscape!
Prune & Trim
Trim shrubs to keep their shape. Renewal prune larger, older shrubs and hedges by removing 1/3 of the oldest (larger ) branches from the base of the shrub. Tree trimming and dormant pruning are best done while dormant. There is no energy (sap) loss and no disease or insects able to spread.
Protect Your Evergreens
Spray all evergreens (spruce, pine, boxwood, arborvitae, holly, fir, etc.) with Wilt Pruf (a wax-like substance that protects evergreen foliage from water loss) or equivalent anti-desiccant.
Do this once in November/December, once in January, and once in February. This practice along with regular watering will prevent winter-burn and winter-kill — dead spots that appear in spring or in severe cases kill the entire plant.
Install Rabbit Guards
Install rabbit guards on all trees (especially young trees & ornamentals)! White plastic corrugated pipe is preferred. Make sure it is tall enough to keep rabbits from reaching the bark when the snow is piled up. These guards come with an added bonus – they also help prevent frost crack!
Need Help?
Need help with winterizing your landscape? Call the professionals at Jensen Gardens at 402.253.8880.