Winter is Showtime for Evergreens!

Evergreens: Pine or Spruce or Fir? Which should you plant?

Recommended: Black Hills Spruce, Ponderosa Pine, Vanderwolf Pine, Southwestern White Pine, Colorado Spruce, Serbian Spruce, Norway Spruce, Techny Arborvitae.

Avoid: Scotch Pine, Austrian Pine, Emerald Green Arborvitae. Pine wilt and other diseases are rampant in scotch pine and Austrian pine, both nonnative species. Emerald Green Arborvitae are susceptible to winter burn and opening up and multiple leaders.

Right Tree Right Place: Concolor fir is a great tree, but they hate wet feet. Irrigated lawn with clay soil is not a site for a fir tree. Well drained soil on a north facing slope is perfect.

When to plant: Evergreens are best planted spring, summer, and fall. Avoid planting late fall and winter. Deciduous trees on the other hand are good to plant all winter as long as the root balls are not frozen and temperatures are above freezing.

Water: Evergreens need water year-round! – Yes even after the irrigation system has been winterized. A deep soak, or 1” of rainfall, once every 3-4 weeks, year-round is perfect.

Contact us for help planning your evergreen landscape!


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