What to Plant This Spring
Selecting plants well-suited for Nebraska's climate is crucial to achieving a beautiful, enduring landscape that will flourish year after year. Jensen Gardens specializes in sourcing plants proven to thrive in our challenging weather.
spring checklist
Spring is the perfect time to refresh your landscape and prepare your garden for a thriving growing season. Below is a detailed checklist to guide you through essential tasks that will help ensure your outdoor space is vibrant and ready for spring.
When is the Perfect Time to Prune Your Shrubs?
Winter is the perfect time to prune, when the sap is not flowing through the plant. This avoids energy loss. In winter, disease and insects don’t pose a risk of infection because they are dormant as well. Often the ground is frozen and the leaves are gone so there is less damage to turf and less leaves to cleanup which makes the job go easier.
Winter is Showtime for Evergreens!
Evergreens: Pine, Spruce, or Fir – Which One is Right for Your Yard?
Quick & Easy, Late Summer, Early Fall Landscaping Tips
Late summertime and early fall months are essential for homeowners to get their landscape back into shape. Whether you are looking to strengthen the appearance of your yard or protect it from weather conditions, there are several landscaping tips you can use to achieve your goals.
Summer Watering Tips
There is no precise formula for watering landscape plants. A wide range of variables can influence when, how much and how to water: plant type, plant age (newly planted or not), soil type, microclimate, type of watering method used, etc. The suggestions for effective watering below are not all-inclusive, but hopefully, it’s a start down the right path.