When Spring arrives, trees will start growing their leaves again and that is one indicator of your tree’s health. Here are some things to look out for in your trees to be sure they are healthy or possibly need to be replaced.
Iron Deficiency in Trees
If you notice that your tree’s leaves are yellowing at the wrong time of the season, it is probably the result of a process called chlorosis. Chlorosis happens when a tree is unable to use the iron that is in the soil. This issue can be corrected by injecting iron and other micronutrients directly into the tree.
Many companies will drill holes into your tree to introduce the iron into the tree. Jensen Gardens actually uses a needle to inject the iron and micro nutrients into the tree thereby minimizing the damage to your tree.
Oak Trees
You may notice that your oak tree leaves are turning brown in the summer time. This can be a result of “branch flagging”. Branch flagging results in brown leaves appearing at the end of tree branches. Twigs and leaves will fall off of your tree throughout the summer. Tree branch flagging can be caused by insects, diseases or weather-related injury.
Kermes scales are a main cause of branch flagging and could be infesting your tree. They are tan in color and are a little less than a quarter of an inch in size. They suck fluid from small twigs and excrete honeydew (a sugary solution). Dark mold builds up on the honeydew, which causes the twigs and leaves to blacken.
Other insects that cause branch flagging are twig girdlers, twig pruners and cicadas. Jensen Gardens can determine what is causing the branch flagging and offer a solution.
Ash Trees
Let’s talk about one issue that we’ve been seeing in Omaha and across Eastern Nebraska communities. Emerald ash borers are unfortunately alive and thriving in the area. They began spreading across the city in 2016. Since then, the City of Omaha has removed over 6000 public ash trees, with plans to continue removing more of them. These numbers don’t even include private trees that had to be removed.
The emerald ash borer is a green beetle, native to Asia, that feeds on ash tree species. Female beetles lay eggs in bark crevices and the larvae grow for one to two years before emerging.
The emerald ash borer infestation is growing faster and faster each year. Jensen Gardens can protect your ash tree with a treatment every other year or if you choose, we can plant a replacement tree for you, so that if your ash tree needs to be removed, the replacement will have grown.
How to Maintain a Healthy Landscape
The keys to nurturing your landscape include: insect, disease, and weed control, in addition to fertilizing. All these moving parts working together to enhance curb appeal and create a truly beautiful landscape.
Jensen Gardens Healthy Tree Program Services Include:
- Inspection of the plants for pests, disease, and lack of nutrients
- Removal of debris
- Fertilization
- Pesticide application
- New tree planting
- Landscape addition installation
- Consultation
A well-landscaped and maintained property is an investment that yields a great return, often increasing property values by 5% – 20%. Jensen Gardens can create a customized program that will increase your pride of ownership as well as improve the health and aesthetic beauty of your landscape. We can integrate the lawn care with ornamental bed and tree care to maximize the benefit to the entire landscape. Remember, even if we didn’t build your landscape, we can still maintain it for you.
Please note that Jensen Gardens only uses pesticide products that are EPA registered and all applicators are licensed by the state of Nebraska. We will make zone applications of herbicides for maximum effectiveness and minimal environmental impact, and we offer full season customized fertilization programs. We only use the highest-quality products, which contain the proper balance of nutrients that your lawn requires.
Contact us for a quote by calling (402) 253-8880 or emailing info@jensengardens.com.